Your second phone number: Fast & Easy

Burrn is new work phone to your existing phone. No new hardware needed, all you need is an app.

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Add extra numbers to your mobile phone in second, easy

Burrn adds work phone numbers and extra phone numbers to your phone.
No expensive new hardware required, all you need is our mobile app.

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You Talk up to 6 Times Faster than You Type

With Burrn, you can capture your screen, voice, and face and instantly share video in less time than it would take to type an email.

Phone Fun Fact

Did you know that 98% of a messages are read by recipients? Use SMS to better communicate with your clients, customers and business partners today.

Forgot what You Talked about on the Phone?

With Burrn powerful recording features you always have a sample of all your outbound and inbound calls to listen to what was exactly said in a flash.

Trusted by Users WorldWide

We are trusted 50.000+ team members in over 10 countries.

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